This document proposes the structure of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governed by the holders of the 00 token, a decentralized token that the 00 community hopes will serve as the primary token for the zerozero ecosystem, an ecosystem where creators and communities meet through tokens and without intermediaries.
The zerozero Foundation, which will serve the 00 DAO community and be governed by it, aims to revolutionize the cultural world through creator tokens.
The zerozero DAO community will have the power to submit proposals, vote on the most exciting and promising ideas, and make them a reality.
Our guiding values are described here :
- We believe in world-building
The zerozero DAO allows for creators to build their world in Web3 through their own currency. We strive for natural, organic and sustainable growth for all ecosystems we enable and value community members that bring long lasting value to all creator ecosystems as well as our own.
- We believe in communities
Communities are the heart of all ecosystems in the creator economy. Value is not necessarily found where the largest numbers lie and all communities no matter the size are welcome. We respect all creators and their communities and discriminate against no one.
- We believe in culture
We advocate for the world’s most culturally relevant creators and the visionaries of tomorrow. We believe in the value of connection, relationships, and people, a value which is in large respect priceless.
- We believe in transparency
The zerozero DAO will be building its ecosystem in public and documenting every decision taken and discussions happening. Everything is openly shared with the community.
The zerozero Foundation serves the zerozero DAO in fostering a community of creators and fans around a new cultural paradigm.
The short-term vision is to facilitate the launch of the best product feasible today in a way that aligns with the DAO’s motivation and values by balancing productivity and governance with bottom-up contribution, while minimizing politics.
To achieve this, it is imperative that participating in idea submission, commentary, proposal submission, and voting is restricted to zerozero DAO members.
Holding 00 is the only requirement for membership in the DAO.
In keeping with the core zerozero Foundation value of transparency, all ideas and commentary in Discourse, proposals, votes cast, and voting outcomes will be publicly available to view.
- A Board member may be removed and replaced prior to the term pursuant to a majority vote of token holders.
- The total cost of implementation must be clear in order for a proposal to go to vote.
- DAO members must search past proposals to ensure any idea they intend to write a proposal for has not already been submitted.
- If a suggested proposal directly conflicts with a proposal that is currently up for vote, the second proposal should not go for a vote until a decision is made on the first proposal to avoid approval of opposing requirements.
- A suggested proposal that directly conflicts with another approved proposal cannot go to vote for three months after the original proposal has been implemented to avoid wasting community assets.
- Proposals will not be put up for a vote if they involve illegal activity, hate speech, pornographic material, or are at odds with the mission or values of the zerozero Foundation.
ZIP Approval Process
Phase 1: ZIP Idea
A ZIP Idea is submitted as a post in Discourse and must receive moderator confirmation that it complies with DAO-approved guidelines before it appears to the community.
The person or people submitting the ZIP Idea will be referred to as the author or authors (please note that multiple members can work together on a ZIP idea, but it should be submitted only once.)
The ZIP idea informally gathers comments via Discourse for seven days. The author cannot edit the original post — if the author wants to propose changes to the original idea, they must do this via the comments.
Phase 2: ZIP Draft
Step 1 : Once the seven-day feedback window has passed and a moderator closes the Discourse topic, a moderator will send the author the ZIP template and next steps for submission and voting. They may also suggest a proposal category, if not already specified in Discourse.
Step 2 : The author will fill out the template, incorporating any Discourse feedback that helps the idea better serve the DAO.
The author can add additional fields to the template if necessary to fully communicate the intentions, specifics and implications of the ZIP Draft. The moderator may also inform the author of incorrect or missing information that needs to be changed or clarifications that need to be made.
If the author does not respond to those moderator requests within 30 days, the ZIP Draft will be automatically rejected.
Step 3 : When the moderator confirms a ZIP Draft complies with DAO-approved guidelines, they assign a number to the ZIP for identification purposes throughout the rest of the process. From this point on, the ZIP is referred to as “ZIP-#: (Name) - (Category)”.
For example, the first ZIP is “ZIP-1: Proposing the zerozero DAO - Governance”.
Phase 3: ZIP Moderation
The ZIP Draft is reviewed by a team of moderators and either approved or not approved based on whether it adheres to the DAO-approved guidelines. If approved, it moves on to Board Approval (Phase 4). If not approved, it is eligible for resubmission, except in cases of violation of the law or reasonable suspicion of fraud or other misleading information.
Phase 4 : ZIP zerozero Foundation Board Approval
The ZIP Draft that has been approved by moderators is then transferred to the zerozero Foundation Board for approval. The ZIP Draft at this phase will already be approved for compliance with the DAO-approved guidelines. The Board will check that this proposal is aligned with the zerozero DAO best interests and future developments. If approved, the ZIP Draft becomes a Live ZIP. If not approved, it is eligible for resubmission, except in cases of violation of the law or reasonable suspicion of fraud or other misleading information.
Phase 5: Live ZIP
Drafts that have passed Phase 4 become Live ZIPs on Snapshot during the next Weekly ZIP Release, which is when new ZIPs are released in batches Mondays at 10am ET.
Once live on Snapshot, Live ZIPs are open to voting until Weekly Voting Close, which is at 10am ET on the Sunday following their release. Moderators are the only ones that can post ZIPs to Snapshot because they must confirm that each one has gone through the correct approvals process.
Phase 6: Final ZIP
If a Live ZIP has not gotten any votes or is tied by the Vote Close Time, it will be tagged as “Stalled” and be eligible for Stalled. In all other cases, Live ZIPs are moved to one of two Final ZIP categories.
Rejected Final ZIPs can be resubmitted via the appropriate resubmission template if the author contacts a moderator.
Accepted Final ZIPs move on to be implemented by the zerozero Foundation
Key Terms
- ZIP (zerozero Improvement Proposal) : a document proposing a new feature, project, activity, goal, piece of information, or change to any proposal that has already been implemented.
- ZIP Idea : the first step in the process of creating an official ZIP, which will be presented to the community for gathering informal feedback for a period of seven days.
- ZIP Draft : the second step in the process of creating an official ZIP, which can only be submitted after the original ZIP idea has gathered feedback from the community for seven days in the proper channel. A ZIP draft must be submitted directly to a moderator via predetermined ZIP templates.
- ZIP Template : the preset format for a ZIP draft, which will vary slightly depending on the nature of the intended ZIP.
- ZIP Author : the DAO member responsible for beginning the zerozero Improvement Process, starting with presenting the idea to the community via the proper ZIP idea process. The ZIP author is responsible for incorporating relevant feedback, submitting the subsequent ZIP draft via the proper ZIP template to the moderator, and responding to questions or requests for clarifications from DAO members and moderators. Any $00 holder can be a ZIP author.
- ZIP Categories . the predetermined classification system for organizing ZIPs by their nature or intent. They are: Governance, Transfer, DEX Governance, Informational and Treasury Management.
- Governance Proposals : Proposals to change how the zerozero DAO manages the ZIP decision process.
- Transfer Proposals : Proposals to transfer tokens from the Ecosystem Fund to a given address
- DEX Governance Proposals : Proposals related to the zerozero DEX management. They can include DEX code upgrade, new features, liquidity mining, other rewards if relevant, adding and removing token pairs to the DEX and anything related to the zerozero DEX management.
- Informational Proposals : Proposals for general guidelines or information to the community.
- Treasury Management Proposals : Proposals to define the management of the DAO’s treasury.
- ZIP Moderation : the act of reviewing a ZIP Draft to determine whether or not the ZIP draft meets the predetermined and DAO-approved guidelines and therefore is eligible to move to the next step in the process. If a ZIP Draft passes ZIP moderation, it becomes a Pending ZIP.
- Pending ZIP : the ZIP status after ZIP Draft, which is only reached if it passes ZIP Moderation.
- Weekly ZIP Release : every Monday at 10am ET, when all ZIPs that are ready to go live are released together in a batch.
- Weekly Voting Close : when all ZIPs in a Weekly ZIP Release batch close for voting, which happens the following Sunday at 10 am ET.
- Live ZIP : a ZIP that has passed all required approval stages and is launched for the community to vote on it. The voting options for a Live ZIP are “In favor” and “Against.” Voting “In favor” means the voter is in favor of implementing the ZIP exactly as-is. Voting “Against” means the vote is against implementing the ZIP exactly as-is — you may vote “Against” to encourage the author to resubmit the ZIP after making changes.
- Final ZIP : a ZIP that has completed the voting process. There are two subcategories here: Accepted and Rejected.
- Implementation of Accepted ZIP : the process of implementing a ZIP that has been accepted by the community via a vote, based on the predetermined steps laid out in the Draft/Template and Analysis Report phases.
DAO Hub: the zerozero Foundation website (https://www.zeroze.ro/), which will provide an interface to educate DAO members on the governance process and provide easy access to the channels described below in order to streamline the DAO’s operation and enhance its utility.
Communication Channel: https://forum.zeroze.ro/ (Phase 1)
- ZIP Idea posts must be approved by a moderator to ensure it meets all predetermined guidelines and template requirements.
- All posts and comments will be regularly monitored by both a team of community managers engaged by the zerozero Foundation and by the DAO community members themselves. There will be zero tolerance for hate speech anywhere on this platform.
- The author of an idea via a post in Discourse cannot edit the original post. If the author wants to propose changes to the original idea, the author must do this via the comments.
- Seven (7) days after it has been posted, ideas become closed to community feedback and will be locked by a moderator or community manager.
Process for Draft Submission via Template: (Phase 2)
- Once an idea is locked in Discourse after the seven-day community feedback period, a moderator will contact the author to provide the appropriate template.
- The author should then submit an official ZIP draft to the moderator using the template.
- The moderator may then continue communication with the author to inform them of any incorrect or missing information that needs to be changed—or clarifications that need to be made— for the ZIP Draft to move to the next step.
- If the author does not respond to a moderator’s request to change, update, or make clarifications on the ZIP Draft within 30 days, the ZIP Draft will be automatically rejected.
Platform where Live ZIPs are Hosted: Snapshot (Phase 5)
- $00 holders must go through a wallet authentication process to vote on Snapshot.
- Moderators are the only ones allowed to launch ZIPs on Snapshot as they must ensure each ZIP has gone through the correct approval process.
- See ZIP-2 for further details.
Steps to Implement
- Complete setup of Discourse and settings
- Assign administrators of Discourse
- Assign reviewers to prepare reports for implications of proposals
- Assign moderators to review proposals
- Assigned zerozero Foundation Board
- Set up Snapshot space
Solution prepared and ready to be ratified
Overall Cost
Initial zerozero Foundation and zerozero DAO setup costs
Setup Costs including domain purchases and fees, legal fees, DAO administration setup, Discourse Enterprise and setup, and misc out of pocket costs : 33,000 USD total
Monthly recurring costs
Administration Fees (Bender Labs)
- To provide operational support and project management support for the Foundation
- To act as the team of moderators, administrators, and lead in Discourse
- To act as the team of reviewers to prepare reports and any other supporting documentation necessary
- 5,137 USD per quarter
Discourse Enterprise Account
- Discussion platform to host all topics discussed by the community before formalizing into proposals.
- $100 per month, on month to month basis
zerozero Foundation Board Compensation
- Compensation is a mix of of $00 and annual USD fee for all directors
- $00 allocations are subject to a 2 years vesting schedule as well as a lock up schedule.