ZIP-9: Listing 2 Creator Tokens - Governance Proposal


Summary of the proposal

This document proposes to the zerozero DAO that they list two new creator tokens on Uniswap to help the zerozero ecosystem grow by adding new pairs, bringing the total number of pairs to 13. Listing on Uniswap is inline with the decision of ZIP-7.

The zerozero DAO acts as an administrator of the zerozero Treasury Wallet. The various aspects and holdings of the zerozero Treasury Wallet are governed by the DAO and can be managed via votes from the zerozero community.

The two creator tokens proposed to be listed on Uniswap are:

  • $ABA, the token of Arrotu
  • $ELECTRIC, the token of Simon Jaquemet


A statement on why the zerozero community should implement this proposal.

This is a proposal to create a secondary market for two additional creator tokens.

Creator tokens are earned for free in a number of ways on, which constitutes the primary source of supply in the market. For community members looking to acquire tokens outside of such earning events, or those that want to trade their tokens, they can do so via Uniswap if their creator tokens are listed on it.

Uniswap facilitates transactions of creator tokens in an automated fashion and allows creator tokens to become liquid and viable currencies of their respective ecosystems.

Adding two new creator tokens to Uniswap can increase attention to these creator tokens and in turn foster an active zerozero ecosystem.


An explanation of how the proposal aligns with the zerozero community.

The zerozero ecosystem is composed of many elements including: creators, creator communities, the zerozero DAO, etc. These communities are united through the relevant creator token but are not fixed: they can grow and diminish for any number of reasons.

The zerozero DAO’s mission is to empower creators and users by providing a sustainable ecosystem for creator tokens.

Every creator token is not yet listed on Uniswap and the more creator tokens that get listed on Uniswap, the bigger the zerozero ecosystem gets as more and more communities start using the ecosystem tools.


A breakdown of the platforms that will be used to enact this election.

General Structure

Uniswap is the gold standard for automated market making in DeFi. Creator coins in the form of ERC-20 tokens will be listed on Uniswap to be traded against WETH/BONSAI.

The zerozero DAO will vote to list the above creator coins on Uniswap. Once the token is listed on Uniswap, the price for a given creator token will be determined directly by the liquidity in its pool through the constant product formula.

If x is the supply of a creator coin ($CREA) in the pool and y is the supply of the paired coin in the pool, the price of the creator token in the paired token is given as the quotient of y and x.

These liquidity pools will allow anyone to swap in and out of any creator token to join their selected communities and gain access to the creator’s ecosystem.


In order to list these two additional creator tokens on Uniswap, the following three pairs would be created:

  • $ABA, the token of Arrotu paired with $WETH: $ABA/$WETH
  • $ELECTRIC, the token of Simon Jaquemet with $WETH: $ELECTRIC/$WETH
  • $ELECTRIC, the token of Simon Jaquemet with $BONSAI: $ELECTRIC/$BONSAI

Steps to Implement

  1. Transfer the holdings of the above tokens from the zerozero Treasury Wallet to launch respective liquidity pools on Uniswap


Voting period: 3 days from the proposal posting date

Implementation: Within 30 days of the vote conclusion

Overall Cost

No cost to implement

Please ensure to vote for the option you believe will best serve the zerozero Community’s interests and growth. Your participation is essential in shaping the future of our ecosystem.